Our History
About the year 2021, a few of us who knew each other rather well were discussing the damage prejudice is doing to many parts of our societies. We continued our conversations with friends and family, and their feelings were like ours, so we decided to do something about it.
Through a series of expanded conversations and research, we decided to dedicate ourselves to undoing prejudice as best we can. Our research showed that even though many efforts had already begun, we could make a significant difference by looking for and creating “Value Added” contributions to those companies and organizations that have already begun. At this point, we started our Non-profit organization called “Prejudice Unfolded, Inc.” and began studying the contributions of others so we could start defining processes that do not exist and could make the users of these environments more efficient. With our results, we are, and will be, approaching existing organizations to create relationships and partnerships that show our “Value Added” to this community.
We recognize prejudice has already manifested itself in adults, and that even though there are ways by which this can be recognized and reduced, our emphasis will be on Social Emotional Learning in Grades K-12 as our priority.